What is the Promote Fellowship in Christ pillar?
It is the Pillar that focuses on relationships and unity in Christ. God calls us to biblical fellowship in Christ with other saints along the path to holiness so that together we may Glorify God Alone by:
Developing an understanding of Biblical instruction on fellowship in Christ.

Engaging in deliberately planned and spontaneous opportunities for biblical fellowship in Christ.

Actively participating in biblical fellowship in every aspect of our Every-Day Ordinary Lives.

Understand what the Bible teaches about biblical fellowship.
- Meet twice during the first month: in the second and fourth week
- Conduct a self-study during week 1: Acts 2:42-47, 1 Cor 1:9, 1 Jn 1:1-3, Hb 10:25, Mt 18:20, Jn 17: 21-23, 1 Pt 3:8
- Identify 2-3 people in your sphere of influence with whom you can engage in biblical fellowship
- Identify areas where you have benefited from biblical fellowship and discuss with the pillar participants
- Practice engaging with others in the pillar where the focus is on Jesus
- Discuss how Jesus must be at the center of all relationships and the focal point of all fellowship
- Read one chapter/week of Jerry Bridge’s book entitled, True Community, to be discussed at bi-weekly mtgs
- Do a study on fellowship/koinonia using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Apply what you learned to deliberately planned & spontaneous Christian fellowship opportunities.
- Meet two times during the month either by phone, Zoom, or in person
- Discuss among your team specific ways you can or have promoted biblical fellowship this month
- Build white space into your calendar so you can be available for spontaneous biblical fellowship opportunities
- Participate in TAKE30 every Sunday to promote biblical fellowship
- Within your sphere of influence, intentionally plan and/or look for spontaneous opportunities to engage in biblical fellowship (a walk, lunch, visit, coffee, etc.) at least twice per month
- Continue reading Jerry Bridge’s book entitled, True Community
- Continue study on biblical fellowship/koinonia using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Engage in biblical fellowship with others in your Every-day Ordinary Life.
- Meet at least twice during the month by phone, Zoom, or in person
- Catch teammates up on your progress to date and pray together
- Review and discuss the FMC communion training guide as a pillar
- Continue to engage in deliberate (2 to 4 specific times) and spontaneous biblical fellowship with those in your main sphere of influence
- Come to church 20 minutes early and plan to stay 20 minutes after to facilitate biblical fellowship
- Engage in biblical fellowship every day this month, even if it is via text or phone
- Seek feedback from your team about how well you are keeping Jesus at the center of your fellowship
- Continue study on fellowship/koinonia using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Glorify God by devoting ourselves to a life of biblical fellowship in our every-day ordinary life.