Pillar 7. Make Disciples
a. FMC is committed to taking our next steps towards Christ together in discipleship
b. FMC is a church committed to an exponential growth paradigm through Christ-centered discipleship
c. FMC identifies people who possess the gift of discipling others in Christ
d. FMC promotes a curricular focus integrated across the full ministry spectrum: LR = plan, MR = adjust, SR = execute
e. FMC promotes the establishment of mentorship relationships: everyone mentors both up and down across the church
f. FMC appreciates that spiritual formation & spiritual growth happen on both sides of the mentor-mentee relationship
g. FMC elders/pastors ensure all curricular, Biblical, musical, & theological material are consistent w/ reformed theology
h. FMC development focuses as much on being and doing as it does on structured content delivery
Reformed [ECO] Theological Tenets
We are not elect for our own benefit alone. God gathers His covenant community to be an instrument of His saving purpose. Through His regenerating and sanctifying work, the Holy Spirit grants us faith and enables holiness, so that we may be witnesses of God’s gracious presence to those who are lost. The Spirit gathers us in a community that is built up and equipped to be light, salt, and yeast in the world. Christ sends us into the world to make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that Christ has commanded us. We are now in service to God’s plan for the fullness of time: uniting all things in heaven and earth to Himself. To this end, we preach Christ, calling all persons to repent and believe the gospel.
Nature and Purpose of the Church: The Church is visible whenever two or more are gathered in Jesus’ name. The congregation is composed of members of the body of Christ who have covenanted together to engage in the mission of God in their particular context, with Jesus Christ as Head. Each congregation should strive to be a tangible, if provisional, demonstration of the Kingdom of God. Congregations exist in a variety of forms yet have these ends in common: sharing the Good News of reconciliation to God in and through Jesus Christ, gathering people for divine worship and nurturing relationships for spiritual accountability and mutual ministry, all the while making disciples to be the sent people of God in the world.
Recommended Books
Venues to Implement this Pillar
1. Before and after worship services
2. During expressions of our faith
3. In our everyday ordinary life, modeling Christlikeness in our actions
4. Volunteer at the Center or other similar venues where mentoring and discipleship opportunities are available
5. Volunteer with student ministry and children’s ministry
Platforms & Exercises to Develop this Pillar
Serve as a mentor for someone else - meet with that person every other week
Assign people a different book in the Bible and ask each person to read through that book over the next week and identify areas where God gives direction on Scripture about how we are to disciple others. Use this list in subsequent weeks as a way for each person to share what they've learned from Scripture with the others in this pillar.
Develop a list of daily devotional material for members of this pillar to use: PDT, New Morning Mercies; Reiners, Seeking God’s Face; Canlis, Theology of the ordinary.
Identify movies, videos, and other instructional material from RightNow Media and YouVersion App or other sources that deepen key tenets of our faith
Read ECO Tenets
Read the Heidelberg Catechism
Be able to describe the Red Dot Transformation graphic