What is the Adore and Praise pillar?
It is the Pillar that shows us our place in our relationship with God. We adore and praise God empowered by the Holy Spirit to Glorify Him Alone by:
Developing an understanding of Biblical instruction on adoration and praise.

Engaging in deliberately planned and spontaneous adoration and praise through various approaches.

Employing adoration and praise in every aspect of our Every-Day Ordinary Lives.

Understand what the Bible teaches about adoration and praise.
- Meet once during the first month, in the first week; set up texting groups and Spotify lists.
- Study these Scripture verses: Jn 4:24, Ps 150:6, 103:1, 68:4-5, 105:1, 47:1-2, 1 Chron 29:10-13, Rom 11:36, 15:5-6
- Discuss different ways to adore and praise: prayer, music, gestures, hobbies, thoughts/words/deeds, other…
- Discuss this framework: A. an adoration encounter, B. Spirit moves us to an “oh” moment, C. praise expression; talk in particular about the order and how adoration and praise can start in any of these.
- Discuss how to recognize an adoration encounter with the Lord.
- Discuss how to acknowledge when the Spirit moves on us to convict, counsel, or comfort us in that “oh” moment.
- Talk about how we adore and praise God during trials and challenges in our lives.
- Conduct a study on Adoration and Praise using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Begin applying what you learned in the first month to your life.
- Break into teams of 2-3 people and meet two times during the month either by phone, Zoom, or in person.
- Share praise experiences with your teammates.
- Share songs with the entire pillar that compel you to stop to adore and praise God.
- Rehearse Sunday Morning Music lineup and serve as an in-the-pew worship leader on Sundays.
- Journal each evening about the opportunities that you had to adore and praise God that you missed.
- Try a new way of adoring and praising God.
- Conduct a study on God’s Glory using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Engage in prayer in your Every-day Ordinary Life.
- Meet once as a team and once as a pillar in the third month.
- Share specific instances of adoration and praise that impacted you over the past two months.
- Start sharing adoration and praise moments, in the moment, with those around you.
- Write out three specific and personal one-liners of adoration and praise that you can memorize and pray to God.
- Begin and end all prayers with adoration and praise.
- Participate in a group discussion about why and how we praise as an assessment of our praise life.
- Continue open ended study on adoration and praise using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Glorify God by devoting ourselves to His adoration and praise, seeing mountaintops and valleys as opportunities to adore and praise God in every aspect of our everyday, ordinary life.