What is the Pray in Faith pillar?
It is the Pillar that must precede and underpin all others. We pray empowered by the Spirit & in step with Truth to Glorify God.
Develop an understanding of Biblical instruction on prayer and a dependence on prayer.

Engage in deliberately planned and spontaneous prayer using varied approaches.

Employ prayer in every aspect of our Every-Day Ordinary Lives.

Understand what the Bible teaches about prayer and why we are dependent upon it.
- Meet twice during the first month: in the first and in the third week.
- Study the following NT Scripture: Mt 6: 5-14, Mt 7: 7-11, 1 Thes 5: 16-18, Rom 12:12, Col 1: 9-14, Eph 3: 14-19
- Study the following Psalms: Psalms 3, 8, 51, 121
- Develop an active prayer life plan that includes praying FMC Kingdom Prayers weekly – join the FMC Prayer Chain and use the Prayer page as a resource in learning more about prayer.
- Study prayers in the Seeking God’s Face Devotional by Phil Reinders: https://seekinggodsface.org/subscribe
- Identify one person in your Every-day Ordinary Life that you will pray for daily.
- Do a study on Prayer using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Begin applying what you learned in the first month to your prayer life.
- Break into teams of 2-3 people and meet two times during the month either by phone, Zoom, or in person.
- Identify by name people who are in your main sphere of influence (spouse, kids, grandkids, co-workers, etc).
- Develop a plan to pray for those in your main sphere of influence on a weekly basis.
- Discuss what it means to “pray in faith” (Mt 21:21-22, Heb 11:6, Jam 5:13-18, Mk 11:22-24).
- Discuss how we might pray in ways that glorify God, the role of prayer in being in relationship with Jesus, the role of Humility in our prayers, the role of posture in prayer, and the choice of words in our prayer.
- Pray once a day with at least one other person.
- Continue studying Prayer using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Engage in prayer in your Every-day Ordinary Life.
- Switch teams and meet at least twice during the month with your team; meet the last week as a pillar.
- Catch new teammates up on your progress to date.
- Continue your plan to pray for those in your main sphere of influence.
- Begin each day in prayer, end each day in prayer, and pray continually in between.
- Cultivate your relationship with Jesus through your prayers.
- Pray the Psalms, pray other Scripture, pray spontaneously, pray deliberately.
- Continue studying Prayer using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Glorify God by devoting ourselves to a life of prayer, growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ, as we employ all foundational pillars in our every-day ordinary lives.