What is the Making Godly Decisions pillar?
It is the Pillar that helps us make decisions in step with the Truth of Scripture, God’s will, and for God’s Glory Alone. We Glorify God in this pillar by:
Developing an understanding of Biblical instruction on Godly decisions.

Engaging in making Godly decisions.

Actively participating in making Godly decisions in every aspect of our Every-Day Ordinary Lives.

Month 1 (Crawl)
Month Two (Walk)
Month Three (Run)
Month 1 (Crawl)
Understand what the Bible teaches about making Godly decisions.
- Meet twice during the first month: in the second and fourth week.
- Conduct a self-study during week 1: Pv 1:7, 2:6, Rom 11:33, Rom 12:1-2 (Message)
- Commit to reading the book of Proverbs over the course of the month (1 chapter a day).
- Journal verses that are convicting: reflect on the ultimate source of wisdom.
- Identify areas in your life where you require more wisdom.
- Discuss the implications of God giving us the ability to choose.
- Do a study on God’s will, Truth of Scripture, and Godly decisions using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Month Two (Walk)
Apply what you learned to making Godly decisions.
- Break into teams of 2-3 people and meet two times during the month either by phone, Zoom, or in person.
- Read the book of Ecclesiastes; journal verses and teaching points that hit you particularly hard.
- Identify people in your life who you can turn to for Godly wisdom.
- Identify people who may look to you for Godly wisdom.
- Develop a plan to read the Bible over the next year.
- Memorize Prov 4:23.
- Continue study on God’s will, Truth of Scripture, and Godly decisions using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Month Three (Run)
Engage in making Godly decisions in your Every-day Ordinary Life.
- Switch teams and meet at least twice during the month; meet as a pillar once during month three.
- Catch new teammates up on your progress to date and pray together.
- Read through the account of Joseph in Gen 37-47; identify Godly decisions that Joseph made.
- Pray before you move (ask God to order your steps).
- Discuss the following: “Followers of Christ make decisions that glorify God and reflect His presence in their lives, living in the freedom of Truth through obedience to His Word. They build habits that align their hearts and minds with Christ’s teaching. They are able to separate Biblical Truth from worldy falsehood and prayerfully apply their knowledge of Scripture to recognize what God wants from His children and to respond with a spirit of humility that ultimately allows them to be used to draw others to the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
- Continue study on God’s will, Truth of Scripture, and Godly decisions using https://www.gotquestions.org/
Glorify God by devoting ourselves to making Godly decisions in our every-day ordinary life.