We believe that next steps are essential in our walk with Christ. If you are a new believer, that next step may be baptism. If you are recently engaged, that next step might be marriage. If you are new to the area or have been attending Four Mile for a few months, perhaps becoming a covenant partner is your next step. Whatever it may be, we will stand alongside you as you take your next step toward Christ!
Baptisms, dedications, weddings, and covenant partnerships are professions we publicly declare as a church and celebrate. If you are interested in taking your next step in any of these areas, scroll down to find out more
Here at Four Mile, one of the next steps that we take toward Christ is church membership, also referred to as being a ‘covenant partner’ – someone who calls Four Mile Church their ‘home’ church and is committed to seeing it grow and thrive.
To become a covenant partner, we offer a class that is designed to help you understand who we are and where we believe God is calling us to go as a church community. This class is designed as a place where you can ask questions about faith, where we feel God is leading us as a church, and how you can take your next steps with us!
Membership is an intentional step of moving from visitor to a partner in mission and ministry. And it is YOUR declaration that Four Mile is your church home.
So if you are beginning to sense that God has led you here. If it is getting clear to you that this is the place where God has brought you to help you grow in your faith and serve in His kingdom – then this class is your next step.
“When the people heard this (click here to read what they heard), they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”
Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.”
Baptism is the public profession of our inward regeneration that occurs when, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we place our faith in Christ and are born again into a New Life in Christ. We baptize people of all ages. Parents may also choose to dedicate their child, similar to how Jesus was dedicated at the Temple in Luke 2.
*Premarital counseling is required and must be validated if using anyone other than David Lyle, pastor of FMC.
FMC’s premarital counseling with Pastor Lyle is a required 3-6 month commitment, which we believe is vital for the start of your marriage and should not be overlooked.
We are always excited to welcome new volunteers! Here are some great places where you can start! Be sure to check out our media page to see some amazing volunteers in action!
Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!
Audio/Video technicians make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity!
Children’s Ministry volunteers sit with kids during large-group teaching time and come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan provided. Clearances are needed before you can serve.
For musicians and vocalists that are willing to give of their talents. If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, piano, acoustic/electric guitar or other, apply for the music team!
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch this week.