kingdom prayers


FMC PRAYER: Father, this week we lift up our elders to You. Thank You for placing Brian, Sherri, Josh, Steve, Garrett, and Jack as the elders of FMC. Help us respect and honor their decisions as they lead this local body closer and closer in relationship to You. May they wholeheartedly give their attention to prayer and the ministry of Your Word in their every day ordinary lives. Keep them above reproach, devoted to their families, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and able to teach. May they be gentle and honest as they lead Your people in word and deed.


FMC ENDSTATE: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond… the holiness of God is revered…Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty – Your name alone is holy and all of creation sings Your praises – in both the physical and spiritual realms! Please open blind eyes so that Your holiness is shown and may we never stop singing Your praises because of it!

INVISIBLE CHURCH: Lord, reveal to me the wonders of your Word. Father, as You spoke the world into existence, please continue to speak new life into Your children. Give us knowledge as we look to the glory of Your Son on display. Give us grace to receive Your Word and rejoice in it. And convict us of our sins so that we might hate it as much as You do! May the weak be strengthened, the strong be humbled, and the Church continually be built up!

OUTREACH: Father – make us bold this week! We don’t want to be DEAD after the holidays, instead, we want to be ALIVE in Christ. What amazing opportunities You give us each day – to reach the Tri-state region and beyond for Your Kingdom’s sake. Open our eyes to see those opportunities clearly and may our hands and feet be readily equipped to do what You have called us to do! We know what love is and are able to love others because You first loved us and put that love on display, in the form of a tiny…baby…boy…