Our Sunday Morning Senior Class meets at 9am in the conference room during the school year (September through June).

This class is predominately video/discussion based and is led by members of our Teach Truth pillar. Topics vary throughout the year based on the length of each study.

For more info, please email info@fourmile.org

You can find our women’s ministry actively participating in various pillars throughout the year. Everything from taking meals to those in need through the Meal Train, to digging in the dirt and cleaning windows around the church, to chatting about motherhood and deepening their relationships with one another – there’s always a way to get involved with the women’s ministry at FMC!

For more info, please email info@fourmile.org

You can find our men’s ministry actively participating in various pillars throughout the year. Everything from praying for those in need through the prayer pillar, to digging in the dirt and laboring around the church grounds, to sipping coffee at a local establishment while they dig deeper into God’s Word – there’s always a way to get involved with the men’s ministry at FMC!

For more info, please email info@fourmile.org

You can find our young adults meeting every Tuesday evening from 6:30-9:00pm. This group ranges in age from 18-30 years old and is mentored by our Discipleship pillar.

This group is all-in when it comes to getting involved – whether it’s mentoring high school students, volunteering at youth events, joining the Sunday Morning production teams, training in different pillars, or deepening their faith through their relationships with one another – this group will keep you on your toes!

For more info, download the Four Mile app (blue church icon at the top of the screen) or email info@fourmile.org