FMC PRAYER: Lord, equip us for our mission on earth. We are not saved by our good works, but FOR good works (Ephesians 2:8-10). Focus our hearts on the mission you have for us to share the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Remind us how our marriages, family lives, work, and hobbies can be avenues to adorn the gospel through our words, actions, and Christ-exalting lifestyles. Use the time we have as your gathered body to build us up and send us out for ministering your gospel, in the power of your Spirit, to our broken world.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:54-55 Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat “He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

FMC TEAM VALUES: Value 8 – Protect this House: This speaks to communication and relationship. It’s all about unity and commitment to Christ. Those are the things that protect us from the enemy. It’s easy to dismiss negative comments that we think or hear others speak. Instead, let us stop and say, “No! That is dangerous and cannot continue.” We will never allow triangulation, where we talk to a third party about an issue we are having with someone. Instead, we will always go to that person individually first. Moreover, we will hold each other accountable to do the same.

OUTREACH: Four Mile Preschool + Childcare: Pray for Marcy Helm, Rick Bixler, and the entire staff – that they would overflow with the love of Christ as they care for and teach so many children and interact with their families. Pray that health would be fortified and that there would be opportunities to engage each family in meaningful ways in order that they might come to know the love and grace of God personally. 

PILLAR: Pillar 2: Promote Christian Fellowship (fellowship/interpersonal/engaging/relational/communion) FMC values all members of our diverse team and everyone is treated as a child of God.

APPLICATION: Practice: Discuss the difference between fellowship and just hanging out with your friends. How do you glorify Jesus through your words without complimenting or leading others into sins of self.