Pillar 5. Lead Others
a. FMC is committed to taking our next steps towards Christ together by raising up and empowering leaders
b. FMC places special emphasis on identifying leaders who can inspire others to reach their potential & glorify God
c. FMC has a rigorous and ongoing leader development program targeted across the full spectrum of believers
d. FMC leaders battle complacency at the individual, group, and church level by constantly seeking honest feedback
e. FMC leaders ask if they got better, helped someone else get better, and contributed to Christ’s body each day
f. FMC leaders embrace a spirit of innovation, creativity, hard work, and they see everything through to completion
g. FMC develops a robust portfolio of ministry related enablers to facilitate leader efforts (branding, video, music)
h. FMC shepherds smell like their sheep because they spend time with them and they serve alongside them
i. FMC leaders lead by example, with a servant heart, and for Christ’s glory
Reformed [ECO] Theological Tenets
A “congregation,” as used in this Polity, refers to a formally organized community which is chartered and recognized by a presbytery as provided in this Polity which is part of the Constitution (as defines in 6.01), and which is governed by the Constitution pursuant to a membership agreement entered into between such community and the presbytery.
In becoming covenant partners of the congregation, Christ-followers put themselves under the spiritual leadership of the session and wider councils.
Those who are invited to take significant leadership roles in the congregation should be spiritually mature, carefully selected, trained and/or mentored ordinarily be covenant partners for at least a year, and shall agree and adhere to the Essential Tenets of ECO.
Before the foundation of the world, God set a plan of mission to reconcile the world to Himself and chose to use the Church as His instrument of reconciliation. It is incumbent upon all members of the body of Christ to participate in the work of building one another up in Christ and be deployed for His work in the world. To that end, excellent leadership is critical in the Church today, and that is not limited to ordained leaders.
God calls some individuals to exercise specific formal leadership, which is modeled after the mind of Christ. The Church should strive to develop strong leaders in every area of life and ministry who lead in the way of Jesus.
While pastors, elders, and deacons have unique roles in the structure of the Church, we recognize the importance of ordained and lay leadership at every level. While the specific offices recognized in ECO are elder, deacon, and pastor, ECO acknowledges that additional lay leadership is needed for effective ministry.
Recommended Books
Venues to Implement this Pillar
1. Serving as elders, deacons, and lay leaders.
2. Leading a Four Mile Pillar or Expression in support of student ministry or local missions.
3. Volunteer to lead an event at Four Mile Church
4. Volunteer to serve as a lead for a buildings and grounds project at Four Mile church
5. Volunteer to lead a program as part of the Center in Midland
Platforms & Exercises to Develop this Pillar
Hold a white board session where you facilitate the creation of an innovative idea such as an outdoor ministry.
Practice conflict resolution skills
Participate in a leadership reaction course
Take turns leading and following with a defined group level event
Lead a team of two to victory in a cornhole contest as a coach
Develop an operations plan to conduct outdoor worship services at Four Mile Church