kingdom prayers


FMC PRAYER: Lord, this week we lift up our senior members at FMC and ask that Your Spirit move mightily within their hearts, souls, minds, and strength this week. May they continue to seek Your wisdom and reflect Your joy as they patiently interact and instruct those they encounter. We thank You for the wisdom and knowledge they’ve attained through Your revelation and humbly ask for ears to hear Your Truth through the stories we hear about Your faithfulness. May we never live in the past but always be looking forward to Your Kingdom’s reign in our lives until we see You face-to-face.

SUNDAY’S SCRIPTURE: Exhortation ~ John 14-15

FMC ENDSTATE: Throughout the Tri-State Region & Beyond…the grace of God is cherished…Father, thank You for the gift of grace, which is proof of Your unconditional love for us. Your grace is not based on our actions or ability to meet standards, but freely given because You love us—just as we are. We should be constantly humbled by that truth because even when we fail, Your grace allows us to come to You without fear of rejection. Help us to fully embrace the grace that You offer us, knowing it frees us from the burden of perfection, draws us closer to You, and equips us to extend Your love and mercy to the world around us.

INVISIBLE CHURCH: Lord, protect us from evil men and evil ideas. Since the beginning, the enemy of our souls seeks to destroy Your glorious purposes for the world and Your people. We pray for Your protection against all powers and principalities seeking to sow division, anger, envy, greed, and lust among Your people. Keep evil men and women with destructive intent and unsound doctrines far from us. Expose our culture’s ugly lies and the lies we want to believe by setting our hearts on Truth that leads to love, a good conscience, and sincere faith.

STUDENTS: Father, we pray that our students would experience Your presence and friendship in a new and comforting way. We know that You promise to always be with us and we pray that our students would cling to Your nearness as well. We pray that they might know the sweetness of fellowship with You and rest in the assurance that You will never leave them or forsake them.

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

CARE: Father, use us as instruments of Your care and compassion so that our actions bring glory to Your Name. We trust in Your provision and Your ability to work through us to make a difference in the lives of those in need.